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Monday, 25 February 2013


Wow so not going to talk about vintage stuff this time. (0_0) Fashion goes around in circles and if I get something from the "High Street" then they'll be like a billion other people with the same stuff ~ so I usually avoid it.
But this Spring there has been two things that I really liked, and I'm going to show you them in one outfit ~ Efficient ne! 


So the first thing is this RAD raglan sleeve baseball top. I really love old school style sport stuff and have been after something with raglan sleeves for a while. So that style together with a totally dated word is just so awesome to me. It's from Urban Outfitters ~ you can get it HERE

The next thing is...

My awesome new Vans ~ these are the new SS vans collection, they come in acid wash blue too but for me, the closer to pink the better. ;P
I added the smiley face laces to make them even more interesting + unique !! :)
You can get them from the vans website or from Office, which is where I got mine. ^3^
I really love them ~ they're so comfy and something I can just pull on whenever.

So I had to balance out these store bought high street stuff with something handmade from Etsy ~ my flower headband from the Etsy store MILKTEA.

~Outfit Breakdown~
Flower headband ~ MILKTEA
Oversized Flannel Shirt ~ Ralph Lauren Polo (Rokit)
RAD Baceball top ~ Urban Outfitters
Denim cut-offs ~ Levis (DIY)
Gold Spotty tights ~ H&M
Long Grey socks ~ MySocks (Rokit)
Shoes ~ Vans
Laces ~ Ebay. :P

Let me know what you think!x



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Thursday, 21 February 2013


I have been on a mission to find the perfect pair of dungarees (or overalls as they're called Stateside) for such a long time! Like all of my clothes I had to fall in love with them as well as actually fitting properly.

And at Rokit, the latter is the tricky part because we don't size anything. And the dungarees we have are so varied ~ from comfy looking Disney ones for crafting cat-lovers of the late 80's to authentic worn-down workmen's overalls for lumberjacks.

Basically From This

To This

 [We do actually have some Carhartt ^-^]
So I finally found the pair for me ~ baggy but without making me look like a hippo.* And they were a mid-blue with a pink rinse to them ~ kawaii !!

*trick is to just wear them with a belt ~ even if there is no belt loops!*

The only problem was that they had some pen stains right on the fly of the pants, which was... awkward. Not that noticeable but because I noticed it I figured I should do something.

Unfortunately my knowledge on bleach completely escaped me as I attempted use it to get rid of the stains. (
ಠ_ಠ) I didn't dilute the bleach or wet the fabric! 

Straight bleach onto dry fabric will react really really fast *you have been warned* ;D so I basically turned hardly-noticeable pen stains into a huge white blotch between the legs. 
My answer?

I bleached all of the dungarees from the top to just below the knee. To bleach properly you need a bucket, any house hold white bleach, and some rubber gloves. Sometimes it will say on the back of the bleach that you need 5 liters of water for every 10ml bleach or something like that, but that's really just for making white things whiter. The best way to do it is to put what you think will be enough water to cover the fabric in the bucket, then add a fair amount of bleach, I'd say, squirt the bottle like 4-5 times or if you want to be more accurate use around 250ml, then add the fabric. If the water isn't covering the fabric ~ add more water and more bleach. Check on it after 5-10minutes then around 1/2 an hour after that to give you an idea of how fast it will bleach.
[You can add more bleach as you go on if you want it to speed up ~ just make sure that there is lots more water than bleach. :) ]

Use rubber gloves all the time because that would suck if it got on your hands !! 

You can just check visually when it's bleached enough, which could take a few hours. If I remember correctly I think the dungarees took about around 6hours and I did them in parts (6hours for each part). When you think it's been bleached enough rinse the fabric well in cold water and then stick it in the washing machine with detergent. The fabric will probably smell like bleach for a few washes so watch out because it could be an irritant to your skin if there is still too much bleach in it ~ another wash is okay!

After I bleached my dungarees they didn't have the pink rinse to them so instead I used a Dylon washing machine dye *powder pink flavour* ~ and as it reacted to the bleached and unbleached parts of the dungarees it gave them a kind of dip-dyed affect !! (^_^)
My Result!!

Let me know what you think of them !! I think this could be the definition of a happy accident. ;D

Monday, 18 February 2013


Clicky here !!!!

It's so much easier to post looks on there so I'm going to move the majority of my outfit posts my very very new lookbook page!

But don't worry! ~ ;P This isn't the death of the outfit post, I'll still post the extra special ones on here + when I want to talk about a specific item. (^3^)

Anyway, if any of you cool cats are on lookbook ~ fan me and I'll fan back~! \(^o^)/


Sunday, 3 February 2013


So yesterday was the début of our spring window display (!!) + they are CHOU KAWAII~~!! \(*o*)/
It was so much fun seeing it all come together ~everyone's been working hard!! :o

And it's all pastel colours/ candy/ + colourful hair ~sound familiar...? ;D

They were saying that they dressed the mannequins up like me but it kinda is like a little look into a Candyland suburbia of the United States of Kawaii where I dream of living. 

So as as little treat I got to play at my dream coming true in the Rokit windows. (^3^)~hihi!

Here I am hanging out with the mannequins ~ I felt like I was in a giant doll's house. (^-^)

Blending in~ 

Waahh~~That was SO much fun !! \(^o^)/

No prizes for guessing where most of my outfit came from *cough*rokit*cough* but here's the break down~~ ;)

Hair Bow - 
Hokey Shirt - 
Frilly Shorts - 
Leggings -
~~~~~~~~~Rokit of course !!
Legwarmers - Tabio
Shoes - Adidas

kawaii hair bands make good bracelets 

Colourful legs
